Old Blogger

I'm not sure why this newly created Blogger blog is using the old Blogger to do its thing, rather than the nifty new blogger that has the drag and drop layout editor and just a whole different backend interface with lots of different features.

Shouldn't all the new Blogger/Blogspot blogs automatically be on the new Blogger?

And am I going to get in trouble for using so many different forms of the word "blog" so often in such a short post? Is there a Blag Police that will come after me? Please don't arrest me, I didn't know what I was doing, I was young and stupid, and so on. Let's just pretend that I'm innocent and be done with it, ok?


Badpatty said…
I am envious. I am one of those folks who used the Old Blogger - rather happily, I might add - and cannot be switched to New Blogger. I'd like to try it, and it would make my life easier, but the stinking people who blog the blogging blogs at Blogspot think my blogging blog is too blogging huge.

Blog off, you blogging wankers!

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